Archive for the 'music industry' Category


Wanted to see Paper Scissors but wimped out…

The Paper Scissors are one of the local Sydney bands that I’m into -I’ve bought their latest CD and all, but I’ve wimped out of gigs lately, possibly because being in my late 30’s I’m a bit of an old fogey -I’m tired of standing through 2-3 support bands to see the main act (buying pricy beers and all), and then the main act finishes past midnight and it’s a headache to get home by bus… The previous gig I saw was Sonny Rollins at the Opera House -not cheap (but not too expensive) and finished at a manageable 10.30…

I think I’m tending towards just appreciating recorded music, since that’s what I’m striving to produce not having a band… Hopefully the future will have more of a ‘cottage industry’… I’m starting to get into Soundcloud and listen to similar ‘struggling musos’ around the world.


difficult words

One of my favourite blog reads is the Lefsetz letter ( but having spent so many years in Asia there are always a few terms I need to look up… For instance I hadn’t realised that a ‘purveyor’ is a person who ‘provides’ or ‘supplies’. Another term: the ‘hoi polloi’ is a Greek term that literally means ‘the many’, but has come to mean in English ‘the masses’ or ‘common people’…(technically if you say ‘the hoi polloi’ you’re saying ‘the the many’, but it sounds right in English anyway…)


Couds alooming…


Since people didn’t ascend at the end of the world…


Beware the record contract…

Another of my carts portraying the music executive as the contractual bogeyman


The Short of the Long Tail

I’ve been finishing my reading of Chris Anderson’s “The Long Tail” recently (bought it a year ago on special, started reading then got sidetracked). I know it’s a bit out of vogue now but I think it still has a lot of valid and valuable arguments and it bats for the hobbyist content creator such as myself.

I’m actually writing this post because of an inspiring round-up of his at the end of chapter 9 where he talks about the ‘dangers of Hitism’ and the cynical mindset that affects society in general regarding the entertainment industry. To give a couple of examples: The belief in society that everyone going into the music industry ‘wants to be a star’, or they’re ‘in it for the money’. The former attitude is further reinforced by the likes of the Idol franchise, and the latter by the image of hiphop stars and producers, and a gleaning through Billboard might not help either.

Does that mean that success in music (i.e. talent etc…) and success in the music business are almost unrelated? Is it all just about a self-indulgent grab for money, fame and attention?

The dangers and tyranny of ‘hitism’ doesn’t mean that people going into the industry are necessarily like that, but that the public perceives it to be so. Anyway, the positive point of the longtail is that many artists can make a comfortable living without being a part of the ‘hits’ culture, through online niches and the wonders of social networking. There are still hits, but the non-hits don’t necessarily mean misses. Since the attention of the mainstream media only has room for a handful of stars like Lady Gaga etc, I still recommend this book for all kinds of content-creators.


A couple more carts about the music biz…

Don’t settle for the 360 record deal when 480’s are out there! Forget T-shirts.

When merchandising, why not make a home brew?


Hope for Taiwans Recording Industry…

I’ve read in a couple of sources that the size of the Taiwan music recording industry in terms of revenue is roughly one tenth of its former self of the 90’s. Even in the 90’s priracy was a problem with the illegal distribution of pirated copies but in the internet era illegal downloading is just rampant:


“Citing statistics from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, Chang previously noted that, despite Taiwan’s top-notch domestic talents and thriving music scene, total music revenue dropped sharply from NT$13 billion [US$442.3 million] in 1997 to NT$1.5 billion [US$51 million] in 2008 – with piracy and illegal downloads mostly to blame.”

However, in one of my latest blog readings there’s apparently a glimmer of hope with all the top labels and orgs getting behind a website called “” with the aim of supplying legal music to the Taiwanese and Chinese consumer. But it’s hard to compete with free…

And here’s a quote from the Omusic Chairman: “Omusic sets the precedent for the cooperation of music labels in Taiwan, as we work together to hopefully revamp the country’s digital music ecosystem and to further influence the market in Mainland China. With full support from the artists, record labels, music copyright industry, music industry groups and telecom operators, Omusic’s comprehensive digital-music platform hopes to help take Taiwanese pop to the forefront of the licensed online music market across Greater China.”

Omusic Launches Chinese-Language Online Music Store


Quitting your day job

“Were it not for Yout Tube, we’d still be a bunch of kids palying ukeleles in our bedrooms, working day jobs.”

I still work a day job, but I definitely appreciate You Tube, and how it’s really revolutionising media and how people communicate -not just for indies who seek to make a living from music. The above quote is from Alan Lastuftka, President of DFTBA records, which stands for “Don’t Forget T Be Awesome”. I came across it from Music Think Tank: “Is You Tube Destroying or Saving Muisc?” which I found immensely interesting.

For me, Youtube is a great outlet for my songwriting… which reminds me, I’m still in the process of my current song which is taking forever to complete. (Info is on this site:


iTunes IMO

In Australia, itunes songs should be no more than $1 rather than the current $1.69 -It’s demotivating when you have to involve difficult maths but if you know $30=30 tunes then you feel freed up to explore a bit more.

And the samples should be 45 seconds instead of 30 seconds.

And there should be more choice of format.

And the files should include the lyrics and ‘sleeve notes’ as well as the picture of the album.

Otherwise in this day and age it doesn’t seem great value -IMO anyway.